Dentists Have a Tough but Rewarding Job

Why Have Your Family Dentist Make A Custom Mouthguard

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Do you have a child that is about to start playing contact sports, and you want to make sure they are well protected? If so, it is worth visiting your family dentist and have them make a custom mouth guard for your child. This will help protect their teeth as they continue to grow in and give them more protection if they are wearing braces. Here are some reasons why it’s worth having a customer mouth guard made. Read More»

What Can Be Done About Gum Sensitivities During Invisalign Treatments

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If you have just started the Invisalign aligner process, then you may be a bit irritated by the uncomfortable sensations you feel along the gums. This can be a problem for some people, but it is often quite manageable. If you experience any gum pain, then find out about some tactics that can help you to minimize it.  Be Patient Typically, gum pain occurs due to the way the Invisalign aligners rub against the tissues. Read More»

How Long Can You Wait to Fill a Cavity?

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Do you have pain with a specific tooth in your mouth? If so, you might have a cavity in the tooth. In some cases, cavities can lead to pain, but in other cases, dentists find cavities that people did not even know they had. When you have tooth decay, it is vital to treat the problem, but is there a specific amount of time you can wait before getting the cavity filled? Read More»

Steps Involved In Laser Teeth Whitening

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Many people whiten their teeth by soaking them in a hydrogen peroxide solution. One method that’s slowly gaining popularity is laser teeth whitening. This process whitens teeth faster and requires a few whitening sessions. Here’s a step by step overview of laser teeth whitening. Screening Before your dentist performs a laser teeth whitening procedure, the dentist must check the condition of your teeth. For example, teeth whitening isn’t recommended for gray or brown discoloration, especially if the condition is caused by exposure to antibiotics while the teeth are developing. Read More»

Four Reasons To Visit The Dentist

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The best way to take care of your dental hygiene is to stay on top of your regular cleaning appointments. At your local dentist’s office, you can receive preventative care to make your smile brighter and your gums and teeth healthier. Your dentist is able to help troubleshoot any oral problems that might arise and get you back to being as healthy as possible in no time. Here are the top reasons why you shouldn’t skip your scheduled dental cleanings. Read More»